March 22, 2011

The way some people live

There was an estate sale at Scottie Pippen's former home last weekend. If you have the patience to sit through the video, it's really astounding to see how much merchandise is in the house. So many resources used, so little value. Bad architecture, worse furniture and decorations. However, one thing that impressed me was the job that the selling agent did to organize and present all the stuff: she seemed really competent. I should also add that it's not all Scottie's fault: another family lived there from 1996 to the present who evidently also liked to waste money. By the way, Scottie Pippen is now close to bankruptcy.

A few months ago I saw Lebron James's new home in Miami Beach, and while it was just as grossly excessive, at least it was really nice!

Ps., If you go to the 20:00 mark in the video when they check out the basketball court, you can see a guy shoot to single worst free throw of all time.

1 comment:

  1. reminds me of some alarming houses people have built on the BBC program Grand Designs:

    Its a great example of the astonishing things that can be acomplished by the rich and tasteless :P
